Purpose and Scope

In its wider context, safeguarding adults applies to everyone over the age of 18 and is about:

Legal Framework

The practices and procedures within this policy are based on the relevant legislation and government guidance which can be found here.

Our Commitment

Every individual, regardless of age, background, or ability deserves a safe and respectful environment. We all carry a responsibility to ensure that our spaces, both physical and digital, are free from harm, discrimination, harassment and any form of abuse.

We aim to establish a foundation of trust, safety and responsibility in all our interactions, be they face-to-face or online, creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment.

Everyone involved with us should feel they have the power to keep themselves and others safe from harm, and to report or challenge inappropriate behaviour. We aim to maintain an open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of retribution.

We are committed to the six principles of safeguarding adults (England) which are:

ensuring that our activities are delivered in a way which keeps all adults safe in line with national legislation and local guidelines where appropriate.

We recognise that mental and physical health and well-being, ability and disability, and need for care and support can fluctuate and affect a person’s resilience and that some people experience barriers, for example, to communication in raising concerns or seeking help.

We accept that we are required to fulfil our duty of care, doing everything that can be reasonably expected of us to help safeguard and protect people from harm, and to act when we suspect that someone is being harmed, or is at risk of harm.